By micro- and mаcromorphological techniques, the number, weight, size, color, shape, and nature of urinary stones surface extracted from the bladder and urethra of domestic carnivorous in the city of Chernogorsk (Khakas Republic) were defined. It was found that the cystouroliths of domestic carniv- orous were different in color, nature of the surface, size and shape. Cystouroliths in females of domestic carnivorous differ in quantitative and dimension- al indices, which is probably due to anatomical fea- tures. Based on the morphology, all urinary stones of domestic carnivorous in the city of Chernogorsk are divided into sphere shaped, druse shaped, smoothed shaped and combined shaped. Reliable determination of chemical composition of urinary stones in domestic carnivorous on the basis of their morphological characteristics is impossible. Using infrared spectrometry and X-ray diffractometry methods, structural state of minerals and their quantitative ratio in urinary stones and their phase composition were found. It was found out that uri- nary stones of domestic carnivorous in the city of Chernogorsk of the Republic of Khakassia were mainly represented by struvite, less often by car- bonate-hydroxyapatite with different degrees of crystallinity. Chemical composition and morphological features of urinary stones of domestic carnivores influence the peculiarity of clinical manifesta- tions and must be taken into account when deter- mining the risk of obstruction of the urinary tract and the prognosis of the disease. The establish- ment of detailed chemical composition of urinary stones in animals has an important diagnostic and prognostic value; and also will surely help in the development of effective therapy and preventive measures for urolithiasis in the regions.
uroliths, dogs, cats, morphological composition, chemical composition, infrared spec- troscopy, x-ray diffraction
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