The aim of the study was to assess the effect of feed formulations containing cholesterol on the ad- aptation of young trepang to adjustable tempera- ture conditions during breeding in controlled tem- perature conditions. The composition of the feed included dried kelp, fish meal, soybean meal, ground shells of bivalves and freeze-dried entrails of sea cucumber. As biologically active component, cholesterol in the amount of 20 g and 40 g per 1 kg of feed weight was added to feed formulations. Basic formula of the feed without cholesterol was used as the control. The duration of experimental cultivation was from June to September and lasted 101 days. Daily assessment of temperature and salinity of water was carried out. The efficiency of feed was judged from trepang’s weight gain. During the experiment, the mass of trepang juveniles re- ceiving experimental feed with different dosages of cholesterol increased 4.4-5.3 times. Trepang’s sur- vival rate in all experimental groups practically did not differ and was 76.7-80.0 %. The growth of mass accumulation during the entire experiment did not have linear dependence. The increase in themass of experimental animals was observed from June to AugustSubsequent decrease of trepang juveniles’ mass in August in experimental groups was from 22.5 to 38.2 % .It was established that the decrease in water salinity was accompanied by the decrease in feed consumption and the decrease in the growth of fry weight. Feeding experimental feed to trepang fry resulted in 1.5-1.8 times increasing the content of water-soluble proteins in tissues. The greatest effect on increasing the concentration of soluble protein had the feed with high cholesterol content. The use of experimental formulations with cholesterol increased the content of hexosamines 7.5-11 times. Performed study shows the pro- spects of using cholesterol in the formulations of feed for trepang.
mariculture, trepang, cholesterol, protein, hexosamines
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