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Abstract (English):
The aim of the study was to develop the formu- lation of shrimp paste using dietary fiber. The ob- jects of the research were shrimp paste without fiber, pastes with the addition of different ratios of wheat fiber and shrimp meat. In laboratory condi- tions the concentration of wheat fiber added to the pastes of shrimp was selected and three samples were made: number 1 - without the addition of fiber- control sample, number 2 - with the addition of fiber in the amount of 5 % by the weight of raw ma- terials, number 3 - with the addition of fiber in the amount of 9 % by the weight of raw materials. The quality of paste samples was evaluated according to organoleptic and physical and chemical parame- ters. In sample number 1 the commission noted the lack of good appearance and juiciness, but it had a distinct shrimp smell. Sample number 2, which had 5 % of wheat fiber, in appearance, color, taste, con- sistency and juiciness was better compared to the control. Sample number 3 with the addition of 9 % of wheat fiber had the highest score for juiciness and very good consistency, but there was a decrease in the intensity of color and smell. When adding fiber in the amount of 5 % fat and protein content de- creased, but to a lesser extent than at the addition of wheat fiber in the amount of 9 %. The amount of fat and protein after addition of 9 % of fiber de- creased. The mass fraction of moisture in the pastes with fiber increased due to the addition of hydrated fiber. In developed samples it was found out that optimal amount of wheat fiber when added to the paste of shrimp was 5 % by the weight of the main raw material.

shrimp pate, dietary fiber, wheat fi- ber
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