Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The study presents the results of the research on qualitative composition of flavors found in alco- holic beverages in the bottles with ‘cognac’ labels of various brands, with signs of falsification and the samples of unmarked liquids sold as cognac. The study was carried out by gas chromatography methods with using quartz capillary columns: HP-FFAP with a grafted polar phase (polyethylene gly- col modified with nitro-terephthalic acid) and HP- 5MS with a grafted non-polar phase ((5 %-phenyl)- methylpolysiloxane). The components were detect- ed using a flame ionization detector and a mass spectrometric detector. The components were iden- tified by retention indices based on calibration us- ing a calibration mixture and mass spectra com- pared with mass-spectral library NIST14. As a re- sult of conducted research it was found out that the following substances were most often used to imi- tate organoleptic characteristics of cognac prod- ucts: benzaldehyde, benzalkogol, isoamylol, ethyl butyrate, ethyl lactate, eugenol, vanillin, ethylvaniline, syringaldehyde, phenylethanol, ethyl esters of decanoic (capric) and dodecanoic (laurine) acids, methyl anthranilate, methyl methananthranilate. These flavors were used to imitate the aroma of various components of natural cognacs, while their profile, i.e. the ratio of concen- trations did not match the data for non-counterfeit products. In most cases, liquids containing synthet- ic flavors had organoleptic characteristics not matching original alcoholic drinks, had pronounced tones of “vanilla” - in the case of high content of ethyl vanillin or vanillin, “almond seed” - benzaldehyde, “fruit” - ethyl butyrate and ethyl laurate, “grape” - methyl anthranilate and methyl methananthranilate, etc. The paper also presents the data on organoleptic characteristics of detected compounds and the scope of their use.

cognac, falsified alcohol products, flavors, gas chromatography, organoleptic indica- tors
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