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Abstract (English):
Vegetables are food products serving as the main sources of biologically active substances. Pepper belongs to Solanaceae family. Sweet pep- per is a type of peppers, but it contains a large amount of natural sugar and minimum of capsaicin. Due to its excellent commodity characteristics and increased vitamin and mineral composition, pepper is used fresh, processed, for the preparation of var- ious salads, side dishes, as a seasoning for dishes. The fruits contain up to 91-92 % of water, which makes it a dietary product for weight loss and diabetic nutrition. Useful properties of pepper are due to vita- mins, macro- and microelements, in which ripe fruits are rich in. Pepper is rich in ascorbic acid (100 g -271 % of daily need), beta-carotene (42 %), al-phatocopherol (19 %), folic acid (17 %), polyun- saturated fatty acids (14.3 %). The demand for pepper is driven by high taste properties, as well as the benefit of this product can to health. Pepper is a source of antioxidants, i.e. the substances that benefit to human health. Basically, these bioactive components are found in some kinds of food and protect cells from oxidation, which damages them and leads to health deterioration. Therefore, it is necessary to add the products into the diet, which include an increased amount of antioxidants, providing the cells of the body with all necessary substances to resist oxidation and promote human health. Antioxidant properties include biologically active substances such as vitamins, sugars, amino acids. They serve as nutrients constantly needed by human body. On the Basis of conducted re- searches, it has been found out that the fruits of small varieties of pepper are a valuable source of biologically active substances: ascorbic acid, caro- tene, antioxidants and can be recommended as a raw material for the production of healthy food products.

pepper, commodity evaluation, anti- oxidant activity, quality
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