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Abstract (English):
The effect of redevelopment of the deposits on the fertility of dark-gray soil in the forest-steppe zone of the Krasnoyarsk Natural District was shown. The studies were carried out on the soil catena established by geomorphological profile of the deposit massif on the slope of the eastern ex- posure with a slope. Three points were identified geochemically conjugated to each other, 1.5-2.0located in different parts of the slope: the top, flat- tened middle and the foot of the slope. A part of the array of deposits on the slope was processed and introduced into arable land with planting potatoes. During vegetation season of 2016-2017 an as- sessment of moisture regime, temperature and soil supply with the main nutrients (nitrate and ammoni- um nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium) was given. Spatial variation of all indica- tors for judging qualitative state of the ecosystem of clean and fallow land deposited as well as for the purpose of methodologically reasonable compari- son of the objects of study was investigated. Com- pared to arable land, the soil moisture content was 10-12 % lower in all positions of the catena due to more intensive moisture transpiration by vegetative herbaceous plants. The soil of arable land at 3-7 ° C warmed up more than that of the deposit. Soil temperature on arable land and deposits was opti- mal for the development of microorganisms. The activation of nitrification processes and the increase in the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soil of arable land from grade 3-4 (medium and increased sup- ply) to grade 6-8 (very high supply) at all points of the catena were clearly manifested. The content of mobile phosphates in soils of arable land and de- posits was low, increasing insignificantly during processing. The decrease in the content of ex- changeable potassium was established during the development of the deposit and the use of the plot for potatoes for two years due to the removal of potassium by the culture. The coefficients of spatial variation of all studied indicators of soil fertility were insignificant.

accumulation, plowing, catena, slope point, tillage, moisture, temperature, fertility indications, medium reaction, nutrients, spatial var- iation
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