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Abstract (English):
The research objective was to define ecological stability of the varieties of spring soft wheat passing test on state variety plot of Krasnoyarsk Region. For studying 16 varieties of soft spring wheat of different groups of ripeness were chosen: early ripe (Novosibirskaya 15); mid-early (Altaiskaya 70,Novosibirskaya 29, Novosibirskaya 31, Pamyati Vavenkova, Omskaya 32, Kanskaya, Novosi- birskaya 41); mid-season (Novosibirskaya 18, Sibe- rian Alliance, Altaiskaya 75, Omskaya krasa, Predgornaya, Kuraginskaya 2, Krasnoya-rskaya 12); mid-late (Svirel), passing test on 8 variety plots of the region (Krasnoturansky, Karatuzsky, Minusinsk, Nazarovsky, Sukhobuzimsky, Sayan- sky, Uzhursky, Uyarsky) on two predecessors (black fallow, grain) in 2016-2018 variety plots were covered by the main crop zones of cultivation of a spring wheat in the region (III-VIII). As a result of their studying applying the method of N.A. Sobolev (1980) according to ecological stability varieties which provided steadier productivity in sharply differing agroecological conditions were allocated: Kuraginskaya 2 (Krasnoyarsk RDIA), Krasnoyarskaya 12 (Krasnoyarsk RDIA), Novosi- birskaya 18 (Siberian RDIPGS RAAS). In the for- mation of productivity for years of researches the greatest contribution was made by geographical conditions of the arrangement of variety plot (geo- graphical point) - 48.2 % and interaction of factors "years × variety plots" - 16.0 %. Geographical points with the best ecological conditions for effi- ciency formation were found: Uyarsky and Uzhursky variety plots. The varieties of wheat dif- fered in variability of stability of productivity depend- ing on cultivation conditions. Stable and good productivity was shown in various conditions of vegetation of the varieties: Kanskaya, Altai skaya 70, Omskaya 32, Novosibirskaya 31. The varieties with a low indicator of relative stability of productivi- ty, but with a high genetic potential of efficiency are necessary to be cultivated in more favorable geo- graphical points with high level of agrotechnology: Predgornaya, Omskaya krasa, Altaiskaya 75, Svirel.

spring wheat, stable productivity, variability, geographical point, variety plot, interaction
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