The algorithm of modeling of options of repair of herd by firstcalf heifers with the efficiency above an average on herd for 10 % taking into account the age of cows in lactations and pedigree accessory was offered. The level of dairy efficiency of the cows of red and motley breed, the Yenisei type of red and motley breed, black and motley breed and Krasnoyarsk type of black and motley breed on the farms of Krasnoyarsk Region was analyzed, the options of input of firstcalf heifers with the efficiency of an average on herd for 10 % were given, opti- mum models of input of firstcalf heifers for different breeds of dairy direction of efficiency were recom- mended. The formula for calculation of expected increase in the yield of milk for groups and herd was developed. Modeling optimum options of repair of herd was carried out taking into account breed, thus unilateral selection on the yield of milk was chosen. The repair of herd with the level of selec- tion of cows of 15 % on the first, 10% on the se- cond, 10 % on the third to lactations (model 4) was optimum for red and motley, the Yenisei type red and motley and Krasnoyarsk type black and motley, it would allow to raise the yield of milk on herd for 5.48-6.31 %. Expected increase in dairy efficiency on red and motley breed will make 433 kg of milk on a cow that will allow to receive 6 433 kg of milk. Expected result on the increase in the yield of milk of cows of the Yenisei type will make 6 784 kg of milk, in herds of cows of Krasnoyarsk type will make up to 7 393 kg. For black and motley breed model 5 with selection of cows of 10 % on the first, 10 % on the second, 15 % on the third to lactations leading to the increase of the yield of milk for% is optimum. The input in herd of firstcalf heifers with the yield of milk of 6 358 kg will allow to receive the increase in dairy efficiency by 293 kg of milk on black and motley breed. Modeling applica- tion will increase profitability of production of milk in basic fat content by 45.9-76.8 %.
dairy efficiency, herd repair, cows selection, modeling of optimum variants
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