The objective of the research is analytical de- scription of working process of the crushing of a wax basis of bee sot which is one of stages of technology of purification of wax raw materials of organic water-soluble pollution and also technolo- gies of extraction of a beebread from honeycombs. In the study constructive and technological scheme and the principle of operation of bayonet crushing device are described. Theoretical assessment of time spent for crushing process which basis proba- bilistic approach without strength and warm physi- cal properties of material is and by the minimum consideration of a kinematic component of process of crushing is made. On the basis of received prob- abilistic model numerical modeling of time of crush- ing of sot is carried out. The result of numerical modeling has shown that at the initial stage of crushing when the quantity of pieces of the sot which are in working camera aren't enough, and their size is rather big, the probability of impact on each turn of working shaft is maximum. With the increase in quantity of pieces, and respectively, the reduction of their sizes, the probability of impact monotonously decreases. The placement on the worker more than 6 pins isn't advisable to a shaft as crushing time at the same time is reduced slight- ly. At value of turns of working shaft of 1250 Rpm and three pins established on shaft time of crushing of a piece of sot to particles with the set geomet- rical sizes will be 13 seconds. Received mathemat-ical model can be used at the design of the bayonet crushing devices.
honeycombs, wax raw materials, wax, beebread, cleaning, crushing, pin grinder
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