Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was the development of advanced technology of jerked and dried fish stor- age at the enterprises of food industry and trade,for the purpose of the reduction of loss of mass of the product in the course of shrinkage. For carrying out the experiments on the research of the process of shrinkage of jerked fish a refrigerating counter was used. The control of temperature in the cham- ber was carried out by means of electronic regula- tor of temperature of ID of 974 lx. The relay of the temperature of ID of 974 lx had the range of tem- peratures from +50 to -50 °C. As a sensitive ele- ment thermocouples with a diameter spy 0.3·10-³ m were used. For the maintenance of a uniform tem- perature field in the chamber, the fan which regula- tion of work provided ID 974 temperature relay was installed. The design of the device allowed to be built in operating technological lines on products processing. The control of humidity in a refrigerat- ing counter was exercised by means of a hygrome- ter which sensitive element was established in a left-luggage office. Studied samples were served by two species of fish: sea (flounder) and fresh-water (bream). The researches showed that by the monoglyceride it had been possible to increase the period of fish storage considerably; however, thus there was a change in fish taste, both of sea, and fresh-water species. Carbon dioxide considerably slowed down the development of various microor- ganisms and, as a result, increased the period of storage. The use of carbon dioxide practically did not influence the taste of fish and in spite of the fact that it increased the humidity in the chamber, due to its chemical properties which promoted consid- erable decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the chamber, it slowed down the process of super- ficial and internal changes in fish tissues therefore increasing fish’s shelf life. In the course of research the advantages and disadvantages of each way were revealed and the assessment of their efficien- cy was carried out.

jerked and dried fish, storage, shrinkage, packing, biopolymers, monoglyceride, carbon dioxide
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