In the new economic reality there was a necessity in the conduct of such businesses, which could be safe as possible for the society and nature and was ethical and consistent with the principles of sustainable development. An example of this practical work is the development of the market for social investment. The aim of the work is the coverage of the four modern direc-tions of such forms of investment: waiver of investment in "bad" assets; the decision of social problems in the market; investment in human capital of employees of the corporation; investment in the development of regions of presence. To achieve the goal the author used such methods as historical, structural, functional, economic-statistical, systematic and formal-logical and methods of learning. It was revealed that the emergence of social in-vestment is a continuation of social and environmental responsible practices of commercial structures. This is due on the one hand the attention of the governments of developed countries, with another, the appearance of the high moral principles of society and individual entrepreneurs. The present stage of development of corporate social responsibility through social in-vestment enables you to move from costly and non-systemic types of charity to the optimization of social policy of business structures, from one-time do-nations and distributions of funds to the formation of full planning strate-gies for future projects and plans and assessing their results. These results are related to the fact that the investment contributes to the alignment of liv-ing standards in the regions, solves the problems of infrastructure and labor relations and, consequently, smoothes social tension and forms of society and the state loyalty to the business structures.
investment, responsibility, corporation, society, manage-ment
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