In the study personnel assessment system is discussed, critical analysis of the personnel assessment methods is performed. Personnel assessment system is the set of assessment tools associated with the human resources management functions: personnel selection and personnel placement, per-sonnel motivation, compensation and benefits, personnel training and per-sonnel development, the personnel reserve planning, control and decision-making in human resources management. The paper emphasizes that the regular and systematic personnel assessment increases the efficiency of per-sonnel motivation, personnel professional development and growth. The Personnel Assessment Department of the JSC Russian Railways was estab-lished at the Russian Railways Corporate University. The Personnel Assess-ment Department is a methodological and methodical center of development and implementation of modern standards, technology and corporate compe-tence assessment tools. Specialists of the department develop a program of personnel assessment evaluation in accordance with the Russian Railways corporate competences model. Nevertheless not enough attention is paid to the workers’ competences and specialists’ competences assessment. In this respect the development of the test assessment adapted for workers is need-ed and it is proposed in this paper. This assessment tool is not expensive and may be performed by the means of the Personnel Assessment Department. Another identified problem is that very few employees are assessed in Kras-noyarsk Railway annually. For the solution of the revealed problem distant assessment tools are proposed in this paper. The proposed recommendations for the assessment system development will contribute to the potential abili-ties of the 4 level employees identification, it will stimulate the personnel professional growth, it will improve the long-term personnel planning in the JSC Russian Railways, it will determine the need for training, vocational training or retraining of the workers, it will help to determine compliance of the employees competences with their positions.
human resource management, personnel assessment sys-tem, assessment methods, assessment center, questionnaire, interview, test-ing, business profile, corporate culture, competence
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