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Abstract (English):
The article analyzes one of the most important problems of one of the government policies, i.e. agrarian policy of the Russian state. In agrarian doctrine there is no uniform approach among scientists about the concept of this phenomenon. The paper attempts to make a comprehensive study of the definition of "state agrarian policy" from the standpoint of not only econom-ic but also legal sciences. State agricultural policy in the present period of time is very different in form and content of the state agrarian policy of the Soviet period. Therefore, taking into account the changed realities we can talk about the existence of a "new state agrarian policy" and an adequate scientific analysis of the phenomenon in question. The aim of the study is to analyze the concept of the state agrarian policy, as well as to identify the gaps of legal regulation and make recommendations to address them by making changes to the existing agrarian legislation, namely Article 5 of the Federal Law of 29.12.2006 № 264-FL "On the development of agriculture". According to deep conviction of the author there should be used the most perfect in terms of clarity and completeness of the presentation, as well as clarification of the legal content the term "agro-legal policy" instead of am-biguous and rather controversial definition of "state agrarian policy." In writing the article we used the dialectic, system, functional, comparative methods of scientific research. The result of the study is the author's sugges-tion of the definition of the phenomenon under study. The study leads to the following conclusion: many topical in the implementation of the state agrar-ian policy problems stem from the fact that there is no definition of the term quality. In this regard it needs further theoretical studies of the role of the state agrarian policy in the withdrawal of the crisis from agricultural sec-tor.

definition, concept, legal policy, state agricultural policy, agrarian-and legal policy of the state, agrarian legislature, agricultural law
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