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Abstract (English):
The focus of the study is the consciousness nature in the context of criti-cism of the principle of evidence of consciousness. After P. Rikyor it is shown that the classical European philosophy, starting with Descartes, fought against such illusion as direct objectivity and the reality to consciousness of a thing. In turn, the nonclassical philosophy, especially in the person of Marx, Nietzsche and Freud, exposes even more authoritative illusion, i.e. il-lusion of a direct reality of consciousness and consciousness. The doubt that the consciousness is evidently given us in the act of understanding, led the listed philosophers to the search of the bases hidden for consciousness. It ap-peared that these bases not only genetically set impulses to our conscious-ness, but the most important stimulate and provoke false mental actions. Consciousness is not such to what presents itself. It carries with it the depth that is hidden to consciousness properly encrypts the first principle - Arche consciousness, pushing to the surface of the false images, myths, rituals. The desire to expose the hidden nature of consciousness is creating new - her-meneutic - intentions of conceptualizing the problem of consciousness in the XX century philosophy: to understand the mind - then decipher the mean-ing of the expression in mind, resulting in the art of interpreting hidden forms of consciousness. The basic theses of the philosophy of mind P. Ricoeur, marked them as "semiology of desire." Within a hermeneutics the phenomenological tradition of understanding of consciousness as reflexive philosophy of consciousness is criticized. The emphasis is not on the nature of reflection, but in the act of speaking and its genesis, which entails the gen-esis of the problem of the symbolic. In the context of the designated problem changing the perception of consciousness in modern philosophy Derrida an-alyzed the arguments about the nature of the unconscious. Derrida as one of those philosophers who, following Nietzsche, Freud and Ricoeur questioned the sufficiency and self-confidence of consciousness. It was revealed that Derrida made poststructuralist moments in understanding consciousness and, in particular, to the understanding of the mechanism of the uncon-scious as a differance mechanism.

consciousness, self-knowledge, the unconscious, reflection, interpretation, symbolic, phenomenology, hermeneutics, F. Nietzsche, S. Freud, P. Rikyor, Ge. Derrida
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