Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The development of the technique of strategic planning of innovative development of the enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex based on the accounting of features of object of research has to be under construction on the basis of special principles. The allocation and systematization of the principles of strategic planning have to be based on the accounting of re-vealed regularities and is more whole than development of the agrarian and industrial complexes enterprises. As a result of research of the state and fea-tures of development of agrarian and industrial complex the main regulari-ties of sustainable innovative development of agrarian and industrial com-plexes enterprises were marked out. The most important of them are the fol-lowing: the increase of organization and relative orderliness of economic systems with the growth of the inequality of economic processes; the in-crease of complexity and unpredictability of economic environment as a re-sult of social and economic development of society; the growth of dimension and complication of problems of planning as a result of strengthening of the role of innovations in the development of agrarian and industrial complexes enterprises; the decrease in the level of innovative risks of the enterprises as a result of integration at the creation of a portfolio of innovative projects; the complexity of anticipation of changes at the increase in the role of inno- vations in the development of agrarian and industrial complexes enterpris-es; the dependence of stability of development of agrarian and industrial complexes enterprises on the existence of alternative options of "an economic combination" and the level of security with financial resources. The justifica-tion of the principles of strategic planning of innovative development of agrarian and industrial complexes enterprises became the result of the study. The decomposition of the principles of strategic planning allowed the authors to determine the requirements to the instruments of formation by decision-making levels (corporation, business unit) corporate and business strategy.

regularities of sustainable innovative development, prin-ciples of strategic planning of innovative development, agrarian and indus-trial complex enterprises
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