Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The models of social policy of Russia are shown in the study and it is proved that Russian model is connected with insufficient financing of the so-cial sphere which is responsible for the formation of human capital in econ-omy. As opposed to the Russian model the Swedish model of social policy in which essential attention is paid to financing of social sphere is shown. In the study the process of formation of human capital is shown and three pri-ority directions of social policy responsible for it are allocated. These spheres are the population policy directed on the reproduction of population, the pol-icy of health care and the policy in the fields of education. The allocation of similar directions is connected with accepted international practice of an as-sessment of human capital on the basis of human development index. Fur-ther financing of social sphere in Russia at the level of Federation is shown, the budget for 2017 is considered and the financing of three fundamental di-rections of the social sphere is given. Statistical data on the budget allocated for three fundamental branches of the social sphere proceeding presented in the study makes it is possible to see that financing of branches for 2017 is significantly reduced. On population policy of Russia directed on birth rate growth the sizes of social benefits from the background of social insurance of the Russian Federation are presented. In education the salary of workers of the scientific and pedagogical sphere is shown. The results of similar financ-ing on each branch are also shown and pessimistic forecasts about the pos-sibility of formation of human capital necessary for the solution of actual problems of economy of Russia connected with modernization and innova-tive break are submitted.

social policy, human capital, demography, education, health care, efficiency
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