Russian State is socially orientated. Social policy of the state at this stage is carried out with the use of information and communication technol-ogies making it more available and urgent, i.e. the efficiency of social policy in general grows. The objective of the study is considering the process of in-formatization of social policy and how these problems can be solved. The Russian program documents and standard and legal base on the informati-zation of social sphere are analysed. It is shown that the informatization of social sphere is regulated by Federal law No. 442 "About bases of social ser-vice of citizens in the Russian Federation". In the article the rating of regions of Russia on the introduction of information and communication technolo-gies is analyzed, the problems which regions face at informatization intro-duction are also given. In particular the problems of shortage of qualified personnel for drawing up technical projects are allocated for introduction of information technologies to the social sphere. It is due to the fact the market there are no experts who equally would understand social policy and in-formatization. The problem of insufficient financing is also allocated, many regions allocate funds for other areas of social policy whereas the adjusted information environment would allow solving very many problems of social sphere and reducing the price of its contents for the regions, releasing addi-tional resources which could be directed not on the current maintenance of social sphere, and on its development. In the study the experiment of ad-vanced regions (Moscow, St. Petersburg) on the introduction of information technologies to the social sphere is shown.
social policy, social services, multipurpose centers, social service, informatization
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