In the conditions of administrative reform carried out in Russian Fed-eration, the realization of a state policy on strengthening of "power vertical" questions of ensuring activity of authorities at the present stage of develop-ment of Russian society gain special importance. The authority for perform-ance of the powers of office has to possess powers of authority and have the opportunity to make decisions, to impose requirements obligatory for per-formance by citizens, heads of the enterprises and establishments of all types of property and subordination. The persons listening in federal public au-thorities treat authorities (deputies of Federal Assembly, the President, members of the government, judges, prosecutors, the staff of law-enforcement bodies, Federal Security Service, deputies of the regions (re-gional) Dumas, the heads of administrations, presidents of the republics which are the part of Russian Federation, military personnel, acting as on protection of a public order, the staff of tax service Russian Federation, the staff of Committee on the antimonopoly policy, customs service etc.). Crimi-nal and legal means on the fight against criminal infringement of authori-ties in connection with execution of the powers of office are essential; the state applies a package of measures for the prevention of these types of crimes. Considering the above, studying of social conditionality, legal na-ture, efficiency and possibility of further improvement of the current legisla-tion and jurisprudence of application of the criminal precepts of law provid-ing the protected lawful activity of the authority is represented actual. Speci-fication and concretization of some theoretical provisions, both on this prob-lem, and on related issues, demand continuous discussion. In the presented study some disputed issues arising at qualification of uniform structures of crimes are considered. The author pays attention to the contradiction of the definitions given in the existing Criminal code of Russian Federation and also brings up the question of need of modification of Article 318 of the criminal code of Russian Federation.
authority, official, set of acts, criminal action, the property of the authority
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