Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of detailed studying of constitutional legal status of adminis-trative and territorial units with special status, and also the features of for-mation and "boundary" legal status Evenki and Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets mu-nicipal territories of Krasnoyarsk Region as territories with special public powers of the authorities are presented in the study. Considering that at the level of federal and regional legislation a number of important questions of legal status of administrative and territorial units with special status is not settled, including the questions expressing certain "peculiarity" of specified legal entities it is obviously necessary to sort this subject for the purpose of streamlining of all knowledge. This process will be useful as to the legislator, from the point of view of application and development of precepts of law concerning administrative and territorial subjects with special status, and to the inhabitants occupying them as legal status of the subject of federation or municipality has direct impact on legal status of citizens, in particular on the realization of their social and political rights. Proceeding from the specified purpose and relevance, the following tasks were set: the analysis of the leg-islation regulating legal status of Evenki and Taimyr (Dolgan-Nenets) mu-nicipal areas, and also the methods of organization of government in them. Considering national, historical and territorial features of the data of mu-nicipalities as the part of Krasnoyarsk Region, the authors offered the direc-tions and ways for the specification of their legal status in the system of con-stitutional and legal regulation in domestic constitutional right. These sug-gestions consider the existing federal legislation and powers of public au-thorities of the region within the settlement of the status of administrative and territorial units with special status.

federalism, administrative and territorial units with special status, territorial organization, autonomous areas, constitutional legal sta-tus of administrative and territorial subjects with special status, centraliza-tion of public power, bodies of governmental power
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