Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the study the processes of development of ideas and practice of the sphere of social care in the conditions of reforming system of local govern-ment by Provisional government are analyzed. The formation of new self-government institutions: area, settlement, regional, city managements cre-ated opportunity for emergence of region system of the social help. The sys-tem of local charitable agencies dealing with the poor as the Elberfeld sys-tem guided by a charitable initiative at control and the management of mu-nicipal managements was fixed in the cities. The period of action of Provi-sional government was distinguished by two tendencies: centralization of structures of social help that was reflected in the creation of social depart-ment, i.e. the Ministries of the state contempt with institute of local represen-tatives of the ministry. And at the same time the tendency of democratiza-tion of trustee activity: the initiative in the sphere of social support, the right of special financial collecting was provided to local authorities. The institu-tions of contempt of nominal imperial charitable committees were trans-ferred to the jurisdiction of self-management. The problem of assistance to families of mobilized soldiers was organizing moment. In the territories where there were no zemstvoes, committees and councils of public safety, people's assemblies, etc. were spontaneously created. In parallel the created councils of workers and soldiers sometimes entered confrontation with the existing social popechitelstvo. Perspective approach to development of the social help was developed by participants of specially convoked meetings on whom it was defined that the system of the state ensuring some categories (the children, disabled people, persons who incidentally fell into need) has to be a basis of the social help. A citizen should receive assistance from self-governing authority at the place of his/her occupation. These concepts were used as the background of Soviet system of social care. After Bolsheviks ac-cession to the power local authorities converted to rigid centralization of so-cial governmental provision to workers.

local government, social help, councils, Provisional gov-ernment, authorized persons
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