The objective of the study is historical and philosophical reconstruction of phenomenological-ontological conception of G.G. Shpet in the context of development of humanitarian thought of the beginning of the XX century enduring the crisis of scientific rationality. The object of research is Shpet’s interpretation of the concept of scientific rationality. As an object of the re-search the explication of the methodological bases within G.G. Shpet's pro-ject acts. The novelty of the offered research consists in the attempt of cross-cultural and metaphilosophical consideration of philosophical project of G.G. Shpet in comparison with E. Gusserl’s phenomenological project and L. Shestov’s philosophical project. The role of the project of G.G. Shpet in the context of the polemic developed at the beginning of the XX century concern-ing the status of reason, science and scientific rationality is specified. The Representation of noted foreshortening of Shpet’s philosophy becomes possi-ble thanks to the consideration of historical dynamics of its development, and also by means of problematization of Shpet’s approach to the analysis of culture in the quality of top wasp of life of the reason. As a result G.G. Shpet’s phenomenological-ontological conception is reactulized by the au-thor as the dynamic project realized from methodological reflection in the direction of culture anthropology. It allows interpreting G. Shpet's project as one of options of the solution of the problem of crisis of scientific rationality, and also one of the bases of new scientific rationality. The justification of this idea becomes possible thanks to the categorical analysis of the concept of the subject in Shpet’s philosophy, and also the identification of metaphysical bases of its life in the world of culture. Informative process is consistently analyzed. Shpet's gnoseology is analyzed by the author from the positions of identification of ratios between the categories ontic" and "ontological". In general the consideration of philosophical project of G.G. Shpet is carried out from the positions of methodology of science, anthropology of culture, historical and philosophical research.
science, philosophy, reason, rationality, subject, culture
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