Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
For the person the main source of income in most cases is the salary in-cluding the main and additional part. Therefore the questions connected with salary, i.e. its size, charge form, payment order, etc. are one of the most actual both for workers and employers. The enterprises seeking for labor productivity increase try to develop stimulating measures of growth of sala-ry which allow to increase, on one hand, the volumes of production, and on the other - to have the income allowing interested worker to lead worthy life. The formation of the policy in the field of compensation is assigned di-rectly to the enterprises which independently install forms, systems and the sizes of compensation, material stimulation of its results. The research objec-tive is the development of the actions directed to the improvement of the pro-cess of compensation at the enterprise engaged in processing of agricultural production. For the achievement of the goal the following tasks are solved: standard aspects of a salary are considered; the analysis of the staff of con-crete enterprise is carried out; the suggestions for the improvement of the system of compensation at the enterprise are developed. The following methods of research are used: system, settlement constructive approach, etc. Carried-out analysis of the staff of the enterprise allows to draw the conclu-sion on their effective use, and also to offer the actions directed on the in-crease workers’ interest in the improvement of financial position. The im-provement of compensation at the enterprise assumes the use of reasonable methods of the assessment of complexity of work, the establishment of more close connection of compensation with final results of production, the im-provement of the ways of material encouragement, growth and rational use of workers’ qualification, the development of reasonable offers on collective forms of the organization and to the systems of compensation and some oth-er questions.

salary, remuneration for work, compensation, labor rela-tions, worker, employee’s qualification
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