The analysis of logistic infrastructure of Krasnoyarsk city agglomera-tion showed that joint functioning of elements of infrastructures of the cities and areas entering it are insufficiently coordinated. One of the reasons of emergence of these disproportions is non-systemic development of logistic infrastructures of certain territories expressed in applied methods of local permission of problem sites within certain cities and areas of agglomera-tions not allowing to solve the problem of optimization of the processes of functioning of material and other streams of logistic infrastructures of city agglomerations in the integration format and leads to uneven load of sepa-rate links of deliveries chains. One of the most actual is the problem of insuf-ficient development of logistic infrastructure between the kernel of agglom-eration and its peripheral areas. It interferes with the association of territo-rial formations in uniform multilevel system, thereby reducing the possibil-ity of the effect of synergy from association of the territories. The main ob-jectives of the development of logistic infrastructure of Krasnoyarsk city ag-glomeration in the relation to the implementation of interaction of peripher-al cities of areas with the kernel of agglomeration is the following: 1) the in-crease of the capacity of transport network between Krasnoyarsk and Divnogorsk (considering limited capacity of existing highway, key role in ensuring freight and passenger traffic has to lay down on railway transport; the increase of deliveries of passenger flow by rail will allow re-ducing the load of road network, thereby reducing the time of cargo delivery between the cities); 2) the increase of capacity of transport network between Krasnoyarsk and Sosnovoborsk / RATE “Zheleznogorsk” (execution of the project on reconstruction of existing departmental railroad for the organiza-tion of passenger and freight transportation is necessary). In addition the increase of communication ability between Sosnovoborsk / RATE “Zheleznogorsk “and the settlements of Emelyanovsky area for the purpose of acceleration of merchandising in the western direction. The realization of specified actions will allow creating the basis for the formation of integrated logistic infrastructure of Krasnoyarsk city agglomeration.
logistics, logistic infrastructure, territorial development, city agglomeration
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