The situation in rural areas caused not only depreciation of agricultural work and weakening of motivational mechanisms of its development, but al-so the lack of worthy living conditions in the village, is a barrier on the way of formation of social and economic conditions of sustainable development of rural territories. The questions of revaluation of human capital as one of major factors of formation of sustainable development of rural territories are actual and demand the development of evidence-based mechanism. The study is devoted to the problem of sustainable development of rural territo-ries of Krasnoyarsk Region. Suggested techniques of the assessment of sus-tainable development of rural territories and the level of human capital al-lowed determining the types of rural territories by the level of development of rural areas on the basis of uniform indicators of social and economic en-vironment. The use of instruments of formation of morphological matrix gave the grounds for the development of strategic alternatives on sustaina-ble development of rural territories of Krasnoyarsk Region. For the group of rural territories which is characterized by sustainable development it is nec-essary to provide the availability of qualified medical care; to create the Health program directed on the prevention of diseases, and also "electronic hospitals" in regional centers including record and electronic consultation. The actions for rural territories with unstable level of development have to include the increase in share of located monetary income of rural household by means of stimulation enterprise initiatives of villagers. The complex of actions for the territories characterized by average level of development has to contain the directions on the increase of education level of villagers. For this purpose introduction of additional programs for vocational training and retraining directed on receiving extramural higher and secondary edu-cation and distance learning is necessary. The measures for the formation of personnel potential and introduction of modern management in agrarian production are necessary.
stability, steady development, rural territories, municipal-ity, human capital, factor
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