Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work purpose was to prove priority role of grain, to offer measures for rational use of grain production, the improvement of state support, to give the assessment to their economic efficiency. The assessment of the im-portance of grain production as strategic food resource was given. Econom-ical, statistical, abstract, logical, comparative and analytical methods of re-search were used. Economic benefits from the input at mill plants of modern processing equipment were defined. For the increase of the level of providing animal husbandry with compound feeds application by their production of collateral production of cereal production was offered. It was calculated that it would reduce the cost of production by 4.3 %. The size of economy of means from using new compound feed in comparison with the current situa-tion was determined in a cost form. For the decrease in consumption of wheat of the 3-rd class in consumer market of the region it was offered to replace 20 % of consumed bread by traditional enriched, using bran wheat and grain of barley. Social (increase of price availability grain product and increase in a share of healthy food in the population diet) and economic ef-fect (the increase in sales volumes of grain at export (on 14.47 thousand tons and the income of the regional budget on 34.728 million rubles) were de-fined. It was offered to change the approach of providing state support to grain producers. The size of the state help has to be considered general, ag-gregated, but not divided into a set of components which, owing to focus, separately cover only part of concrete expenses. Basic help representing the initial size of state help was allowed. For the increase of production efficien-cy of grain (taking into account the cost of its production and correcting co-efficients concerning each of grain crops) it was offered to increase the vol-ume of the state support by 2.6 times.

grain, grain production subcomplex, grain production, prime cost, efficiency, state support
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