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Abstract (English):
The formation of the system of tripartism in Russia, which began in the 1990-s, has passed difficult way. As a result, the concept of tripartism was formed in scientific literature, which, in turn, allowed identifying and con-sidering its institutional features. There are several classifications of forms of social partnership. This confirms the diversity of this phenomenon. A spe-cial role in the current system of relations belongs to the state. Its active pol-icy is aimed at developing and strengthening the relationship between workers 'and employers' associations. Legal triangle "Association of Trade Unions - Employers' Association - the Government of the Russian Federa-tion " carries out its activities to prevent serious conflicts between employees and employers at all levels of social and labor relations. Thus, the role of the state policy in the sphere of labor and social relations in modern Russia was assigned to the system of tripartism. System tripartite mutual consultation is enshrined in legislation. Regulatory regulation has allowed trade unions to take a strong position in the current system of interaction and to expand opportunities for the influence on the state and business. At present stage, it was possible to change political and social orientation of the interaction of the triangle "Trade Unions Association - Employers' Association - the Gov-ernment of the Russian Federation", characteristic of the late twentieth cen-tury, social and labor (and in some issues, even the provision of household guarantees). However, some passivity in the activities of primary trade un-ion organizations should be noted. This phenomenon can be overcome by in-creasing legal literacy of employees and their more active involvement in the organization of enterprises.

tripartism, social partnership, state, labor relations, labor law
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