The study presents the evolution of the development of independent sys-tem of qualifications in Russia (ISQ). Its formation began in 2006-2007. The idea of independent qualification system came from abroad. There have long existed similar systems. For Russia, this is new phenomenon, which has received significant development momentum in the past three or four years. Infrastructure and regulations have been constantly changing and the sys-tem has been gaining momentum. Thus, National Qualifications Develop-ment Agency, National Council under the President of the Russian Federa-tion, the Councils for Professional Qualifications were established. The gen-eral trend of this system is voluntary, which should be initiated by various public organizations. But in practice, too much voluntariness and complete lack of regulation led to the slowdown in the development of the system. To-day, the law does not specify sanctions for non-transition to trade stand-ards, or the move with violations of labor laws, or for violations that may arise in the course of such a transition. The procedure for introducing pro-fessional standards is quite complex and time-consuming, so most organiza-tions do not want to do it. In addition, it is voluntary. A full-fledged devel-opment of independent system of qualifications can only be if regulatory framework is consistent with the current situation associated with the im-plementation of professional standards. It is necessary to find optimal bal-ance between voluntariness and state regulation when implementing this system. Today the state has not created legal framework for the introduction of professional standards: the system is voluntary and at the same time it is non-alternative. The mechanism for monitoring implementation process does not work either. Independent system of qualifications is based on pri-vate institutions. For many market participants, its appearance is consid-ered to be another way of legislative withdrawal of funds from enterprises. Enterprises and organizations do not go over to professional standards in practice. However, in general, the system is gaining momentum, which is shown by ten-year experience of its existence.
independent system of qualifications (ISQ), professional standard, education level, qualification, state regulation, labor market
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