Now in historical and legal science there is incomplete scientific gener-alization of the results of agrarian reforms. In legal literature there is no sci-entific justification of agrarian reforms which would not carry ideological bias shade. In many editions self-flagellation of shortcomings of carried-out agrarian reforms not allowing giving a definite answer about their quality and success is observed. The functioning of the state in modern environment depends on the condition of the development of the law and legal establish-ments. Agrarian sphere of economy represents the core of economic system of the state on which development the standard of living of the population depends in many respects. In the essence agrarian sphere predetermines the future of the Russian state. Therefore the solution of problems in agrarian sector of economy is one of paramount tasks of state and power bodies. Agrarian question has always been historically significant for Russia and Russian society. It is necessary to allocate three periods. The first was impe-rial period of pre-Soviet historiography which formation began from the middle of the XIX century and proceeded up to the 20-ies of the XX century. The period was actually the origin of historiography of agrarian reforms. The works of the following authors are of interest: A.D. Gradovsky, I.A. Efron, F.A. Brockhaus, M. I. Kozyr, I.D. Belyaev, B.D. Brutskus, A.A. Nikonov, A.G. Zurabov and others. The second period was Soviet - 1917-1991. In this part it is necessary to pay attention to the activities of the au-thors: V.P. Danilov, I.F. Kazmin, S.N. Bratus, S.P. Kaverin, B.M. Wolf, O.A. Hauke, I.E. Hermann, A.A. Rzhanitsin, N.L. Rogalin and others. Their works interfaced the changes in the life of the village. The third period is Post-Soviet, modern, since 1992 up to nowadays. During this period the concept of agrarian legislation is for the first time formed, the principles, the direc-tions of agrarian state policy development are consolidated. The works of such authors as A.P. Anisimov, M.M. Brinchuk, M.I. Braginsky, V.V. Vitryansky, G.A. Volkov, A.K. Matveev, A.K. Golichenko, O.M. Kozyr, S.A. Bogolyubov and others attract attention.
historiography, agrarian question, agrarian reforms, state development
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