The problems of development of investment activity of economy of rural territories are prior in the development of the region. Agriculture is strategic branch of Altai Region agrofocused in the development and has functional value both in ensuring food security and availability of food, and effective use of resource capacity of rural territories. From this point of view, the de-velopment of southern areas of the region, as from the point of view of di-versification of economy of rural territories, and the development of branch-es of agriculture is perspective. At the same time the main problem of soil re-sources of southern zone is degradation of agricultural grounds as which main reason use of the outdated technologies of processing of the soil creat-ing risks of erosion serves. Inefficient practices of irrigation causing salini-zation, non-compliance with crop rotations and unbalanced application of fertilizers conducting to fertility loss, pollution of soils, reservoirs, water currents and ground waters animal husbandry, the industry, transport and municipal services were used. Despite presence of overworking enterprises of mining, food industry, the main problem is backwardness of logistic in-frastructure, namely transport inaccessibility of the territory, and its unsat-isfactory state. The agriculture of the southern zone of the region is competi-tive sector on many positions, including the development of tourist and rec-reational activity of southern zone of the region will promote the develop-ment of local agrofood markets, so and the development of investment activ-ity of economy of rural territories. Besides, Altai Region is included into five the most ecologically safe regions in Russia. In this direction multiple per-spective investment projects develop. Regional authorities actively support rural and medical and improving tourism allowing to attract both foreign investments into the region, and to increase tourist stream of cross-border territories.
investments, problems, activity, development, economy, region, territory, rural
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