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Abstract (English):
The study deals with the issues of unemployment in market economy. In еру States with modern economies, with thousands of firms and millions of workers, unemployment is inevitable. The loss of work not only leads to the decrease in the current material standard of living, but also to the emer- gence of uncertainty in the future, as well as to the emergence of the feeling of inferiority. Due to the fact that people are willing to work but unem- ployed, do not have the opportunity to contribute to the increase in the pro- duction of goods and services, the number of unemployed in the country - even more evident indicator of its economic not well-being. The study de- fines theoretical aspects of unemployment, discusses various concepts of regulation of national production on the market, the necessity of state regu- lation of employment. At high unemployment society suffers significant so- cial and economic losses. These costs are so high that they outweigh any oth- er losses arising in the economy from other adverse factors. The analysis of unemployment rate in Russia shows that in recent years there was a tenden- cy to reduce unemployment rate. It is positive development, but it does not completely reflect the reality. There is also hidden unemployment. The fea- tures and causes of unemployment in Russian economy are studied. The main reasons include low rate of economic growth, structural imbalances and insufficient aggregate demand. Russian economy is characterized by structural and cyclical unemployment. Measures of state regulation of un- employment in Russia are planned. They include the creation of conditions for the development of small business, the development of professional re- training and retraining programs. To reduce unemployment in rural areas the revival of agricultural cooperation is necessary. Thus, the role of the state in the regulation of employment issues is obvious and it is necessary to intensify this process.

total supply and its factors, cyclical and structural unem- ployment, social and economic costs of unemployment, features and ways to reduce unemployment
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