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Abstract (English):
Modern development of economic relations requires multiple complica- tions of logistics operations in supply chains that chain participants have to face in the course of their current activities, as well as increasing competi- tion between supply chains. Nowadays one can observe the tendency to- wards the formation of unified logistics systems of commodity circulation from a producer to final user. Further dynamics of regional economy devel- opment depends on how quickly and effectively regional participants of supply chains can adapt to such changes. In modern conditions, the provi- sion of a high-quality commodity management system in the agrarian and industrial complex (AIC) is becoming urgent, but at the same time, difficult task. The branch of the AIC is a set of economic entities linked by economic relations in terms of production, processing, storage, distribution and bring- ing their products to final user. The branch of the AIC as its main task of commodity reproduction considers the maximum satisfaction of the popula- tion's needs for food and other consumer goods from agricultural raw mate- rials. Relatively recent change in economic situation in the world communi- ty, the imposition of sanctions on Russia in food and other goods, which caused the response in the form of food embargo, have led to the revision and transformation of existing commodity circulation systems in agrarian and industrial complex. The actions on import substitution led to the in- crease in the production of own agricultural products, the decrease in the dependence on foreign goods, but at the same time sharply posed the prob- lem of increasing the cost of food, as well as reducing the quality of products, due to the expansion of the practice of replacing natural product with surro- gates. The solution to the problems described above is seen in raising the ag- ribusiness sector to a qualitatively new level of its development. For this purpose it is necessary to use the potential put in the organization of a con- trol system of merchandising by means of application of knowledge in the field of logistics. Consideration of the matter opens the possibilities of in- creasing the level of economic efficiency of subjects of agrarian and indus- trial complex, and process of merchandising starts playing more and more significant role in their activity.

commodity circulation, economics, evolution
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