The national qualification system (NQS) is represented by four main in- terrelated elements: professional standard, an independent assessment of qualifications, professional and public accreditation of educational pro- grams and profession guide. The system causes negative attitude, and the first reaction to the change is resistance. The task in the process of introduc- ing organizational changes is to take into account the above properties of the human psychology, and especially to pay attention to them at the stages of forming the prospects of the company. From the theory of change man- agement it is known that the changes to be accepted and passed with the least resistance from personnel, it is necessary to identify the needs for them very clearly. In the case of the introduction of elements of NQS, it is neces- sary to explain to the staff that it is their path to the development. Summa- rizing the experience of confrontation with the resistance of workers to the changes associated with the implementation of the NQS, several of its forms were highlighted and, accordingly, several groups of respondents who en- countered the system: sabotage, resistance “silently”, distortion of infor- mation (results) and present it in a different light. The people resist a change because they seem to be a threat to their habitual behavioral stereotype, sta- tus, or material reward. The main reasons of resisting changes are the fol- lowing: rejection of new, economic fear, inconvenience, uncertainty, sym- bolic fear, the threat to interpersonal relationships, the threat to the status or qualifications, fear of non-conformity of competence. The study contains the main strategies for introducing changes: power, adaptive, anti-crisis, compromise. Also, specific recommendations for implementing the system are offered. In addition, there are three focus groups and, accordingly, the methods of their psychological support in introducing changes. The main method of psychological support is psychological consulting, but the strate- gies and methods here should be different depending on the types of organi- zations.
psychology, changes, national qualifications system, pro- fessional standards, resistance, implementation
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