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Abstract (English):
At present, the issue of determining, on the one hand, the powers of the parties to fully exercise their civil procedural rights and the means of their protection, and, on the other, the role of the court considering and resolving a civil case, is quite acute. The research objective is to analyze through the prism of observance of the principles of competitiveness and independence modern practice of imposing by arbitration courts on the parties of claim production of judicial penalties for disrespect for court in view of non- execution by claimants or respondents of definitions of court with which the court suggests to produce additional evidence or to be in court session. The principles of dispositivity and competition are the cornerstone of creation of norms of civil process at the present stage of development of society. By giv- ing the parties to the claim proceedings the opportunity to choose options of behavior in the process of protecting their rights, the legislator allows them to defend their position in court most effectively, in order to achieve a favor- able result of the consideration of the case. Specified principles, though pro- vide certain freedom in realization of procedural laws by the parties, but do not exclude intervention and control of court. At the same time this interven- tion is caused by the need of observance of the principle of legality taking in- to account the absence of the requirement of professional representation in claim production and dynamism of the legislation in this connection it has to be limited strictly only to those cases which are directed on the assistance of court to interests of the parties and do not replace the will of the parties with realization or refusal of realization of their procedural laws. As a result of research conclusions are drawn on the need of correction of the jurispru- dence which developed now, namely the use of more weighed approach at the solution of the question of imposing judicial penalty for the disrespect for court, the accounting of subjective relation of the person participating in business to the fact of non-presentation of proofs by it or absence in court session. Similar approach will promote more realization as the main objec- tive of justice - protection of violated rights and legitimate interests of par- ticipants of civil legal relationship, and problems of formation of respect for court.

civil process, arbitration process, principles of civil proce- dural law, principle of competitiveness, the principle dispositivity, disrespect for court, fine
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