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Abstract (English):
No democratization and economic transformations will lead our coun- try to the success without progress, including the field of education. There- fore there is no doubt that today's educational and upbringing policy has to turn, first of all, to facie the person, lead to spiritual enrichment of young people. In this regard special practical sense is got by the problems of scien- tific analysis and synthesis of historical experience of educational construc- tion in Russia and its regions of Soviet period. For us not only positive expe- rience is instructive, but also negative lessons of the past. In it, in our opin- ion, the main concept of presented research which lights the features of the development and modernization of education system in the period of New Economic Policy on the territory of Siberia which then has been socio- political and economic suburb of Russia. Also the specifics of Russian educa- tion system of that time are shown. It is noted that new revolutionary power tried to reform constantly education system and education in the country, adjusting it to ideological views and theoretical calculations. Proceeding from the principle of objectivity, both pluses, and minuses of such approach to training of the younger generation are analyzed. . Investigating local processes in cultural and educational area of public life of Siberia of the 1920-ies, the features of the development and modernization of education system in Siberia in the period of New Economic Policy, at the same time the history of the development of education of all country and to reveal specifics of reforming of educational institutions of various levels were sought to be shown. Undoubtedly, the Soviet power brought considerable, both positive, and negative, contribution to the system of training of younger generation of Russia. Therefore the analysis of this experience will be useful and to to- day's development of our country.

New Economic Policy, educational system, modernization, Sovietization, educational institutions, Siberian region, local government, RCP(b), institutes, universities, V.I. Lenin, People's Commissariat of Educa- tion
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