Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 615.91 Ядовитые вещества в целом
UDK 636.084.5 Специальное кормление
UDK 614.3 Санитарный надзор в целом. Санитарно-пищевой надзор
The aim of the study is to investigate the dynamics of biochemical parameters of blood serum in laying hens under experimental combined mycotoxicosis and using a new multicomponent agent Galluasorb as a preventive measure. The biological control birds (the first group) received feed free of mycotoxins, the second group served as a toxic control (the feed was contaminated with a mixture of mycotoxins: aflatoxin B1 – 3.3 mg/kg, T-2 toxin – 2.5 and zearalenone – 1.7 mg/kg of feed), the third group received the main diet, which was artificially contaminated with a mixture of mycotoxins with the addition of Galluasorb in a dose of 0.25 % of the diet, the fourth group – the main diet mixed with "Galluasorb" in the same dose as the birds of the third group. The amount of total protein and glucose in the second group decreased significantly by 23.46 and 27.08 %, in the third group the decrease relative to the background values was insignificant. The levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the laying hens of the toxic group increased significantly by 22.08 and 25.84 %, respectively, in the prevented group the increase in these indicators was not significant and amounted to 8.37 and 11.39 %, respectively. A reliable increase in the level of creatinine, uric acid and the enzymes ALT and AST was observed in the second group of birds. The addition of Galluasorb contributed to an increase in these indicators in smaller limits. Galluasorb mitigated the negative impact of T-2 toxin, zearalenone, aflatoxin B1 on the biochemical parameters of the blood serum of laying hens, which confirms the effectiveness and prospects of its further comprehensive studies as a means of preventing combined mycotoxicosis.
combined mycotoxicosis, laying hens, biochemical indicators, prevention of combined mycotoxicosis, halloysite, multicomponent agent Galluasorb
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