Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper investigates the possibility of use of nonconventional raw materials - the natural casein concentrate (NCC) - for production of the milk desserts demanded in the market. The purpose of the study is to use product of the fractionation of milk by apple pectin - natural casein concentrate in natural form for the development of new functional product enriched with natural bee honey. The technological properties of NCC were studied. It was determined that NCC is relatively thermostable (withstands heat treatment at the temperature up to 80 °C), beats well at the temperature of 4-5 °C (overrun 50-60 %) after storage within 12-16 hours, adding honey has a positive effect on the structure of the beaten NCC and reduces the likelihood of the separation of whey during storage. The dose and way of introduction of a filler and natural honey in a product «smoothie berry with honey» based on NCC were defined. The honeywas added in NCC in amount of 3 % of the product mass before thermal treatment. The prepared filler was added in previously shaken up NCC at the temperature 20-22 °C in the ratio 2:1. In addition, the dose of dry pectin for a filler was found to a formulation of product to be equal 1 % of filler weight. The formulation and technology of a product «berry smoothie with honey» are presented in the paper.

pectin, natural honey, fractionation, flocculation, natural casein concentrate (NCC), wheypectin fraction, smoothie
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