Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of research was to expand the range of bakery products through the development of new formulations using the composite mixtures of increased nutritional value based polish discharge of the al- eurone layer of wheat and barley. The studies were conducted according to standard procedures in the laboratory NIITs on quality control of agricultural raw materials and foodstuffs of Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university, as well as at the Department of Technology of storage and processing of grain of Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university. The article presents the results of the investigation on the development of formulations of wheat bread. Calculation of products formulations were carried out on the basis of the output of finished products in the nature of 200 g. After calculation of compounding conducted laboratory bread to improve the nutritional value of bread is determined the optimal dosage of extruded wheat and barley flour, including wheat nonextruded and barley flour. Organoleptic and physical and chemical quality indicators have been given. In order to assess qualitative characteristics of finished products we used thirty-point scale, which includes five point score qualitative characteristics: shape, surface, type in a break, smell and taste. The best indicators had samples of wheat bread using flour composite mixture of 10% of the extruded barley aleurone polish discharge and 15% of the extruded wheat aleurone polish discharge. As a result of tasting these samples were with the highest score. Performance of a complex research allowed justifying the use of composite mixtures of high nutritional value, based on wheat and barley aleurone polish discharge of grain in bakery production.

baking industry, bread, recipe, wheat, barley, aleurone layer, quality indicators and composite mixture
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