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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the technological scheme of waste-free processing of full-fat soy flour. The purpose of the study is to develop a technology for soy flour component in the form of a shell, germ and seed lobe flour using equipment such as KPSM-850. To achieve the objectives used in the organoleptic, physical-chemical, biochemical, statistical methods of research of raw materials and finished products. The expediency of the use of equipment such as a set KPSM-850 design solutions that provide a significant reduction in electricity consumption for the production of soybean meal in comparison with foreign and domestic counterparts. As stated studies, this technology has the disadvantages that are associated with the fact that as a result of flour, a so-called waste in the amount of 15-20 % of the feedstock. As part of the waste the most valuable biologically components can be present. On this basis a constructive technological scheme of production line of soybean meal was developed, which allows the species to separate fractions, i.e. shell (sh), germ (g) and seed lobe (s). The analysis of the fractional composition of recycled materials has shown that the raw material is characterized by the following number of fractions: 40 % are shell, 50 % of the cotyledons are grit and 10 % are seed embryo. It is found out that the secondary raw soybean is a valuable source of edible nutrients and can be used in food technology for improving their nutritional and biological value.

technological scheme, soy flour, a set of equipment KPSM-850, secondary raw materials soybean, specific fractions, dry mixes for baking
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