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Abstract (English):
In recent years in the diet of a person there is a lack of coarse fiber plant food consumption, the so-called dietary fiber (DF). Dietary fiber influences the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, minerals by adjusting the state of human health. They remove from the body harmful substances including heavy metals, nitrate, nitrit, pesticides, phenols, and others. In the course of the research organoleptic and functional, i.e. tech-nological properties of the fiber of wheat, barley and rye were studied. The most important func-tional, i.e. technological properties of dietary fiber for the meat industry use are the capacity of retain-ing moisture and the capacity of retaining fat. The effect of dietary fiber of wheat, barley, rye organo-leptic and functional is technological characteris-tics of the chopped steak. A comprehensive as-sessment of the organoleptic properties of the stu-died samples was carried out by a point system of quality assessment. Sweep analysis of the results of the tasting evaluation of steak and chopped steak with fiber, can be concluded on the im-provement of the organoleptic characteristics of meat chopped semi-finished products. The studies of the effect of fiber on wheat functional are tech-nological characteristics of meat chopped semi-finished products show that the introduction of wheat fiber in meat products increases water bind-ing capacity and fat retaining capacity of semi-finished products, as well as the improved quality of the finished chopped meat products, while de-creasing thermal losses. Studies have shown that fiber wheat is a wonderful structure component of chopped meat products, which helps to improve the quality characteristics of plant and animal pro-teins, starches, hydrocolloids, enhances the effect of products. Using the fiber of wheat in the formu-lation of semi-finished meat chopped enriches the dish with dietary fiber.

dietary fiber, fiber, wheat, barley and rye, meat chopped semi-finished products, the organoleptic and functional technological indicators
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