Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Research objective is the definition of influence of cleaning process duration on the bee-bread granules for percent of the bee-bread granules cleared of an organic cover. The bee-bread received today in the conditions of a beekeeping apiary often doesn't meet the requirements of state standard as it is taken from old discarded honeycombs and therefore it is strongly polluted. The main hardly separable pollutant for the bee-bread granules are the organic cocoons remaining in cells of honeycombs after young bees’ exit. Cocoons fit a cylindrical surface of granules tightly, thus limiting the possibility of a bee-bread using. The ways of cleaning of a bee-bread of covers offered by us consist in mechanical hashing of the granules taken from honeycombs until covers on granules com-pletely collapse. When carrying out pilot studies the crude granules of a bee-bread were affected by friction of the next granules and a sieve surface in the working camera of specially made laboratory installation, by involvement of bee-bread weight in the movement by action of the rotating pin on the shaft working. In each experiment the time of work-ing process was varied and the frequency of a working shaft rotation and the distance from a sieve to the plane of rotation of the lower pin were fixed. Upon completion of working process the percent-age of whole bee-bread granules cleared of organic covers in bee-bread lump was defined. The math-ematical model describing a percentage exit of the whole bee-bread granules cleared of organic covers was received. The percentage exit of the cleared granules of the bee-bread increases in proportion to the time of working process and can reach 68-75 % at duration of process of mechanical cleaning increase which is defined by machine productivity, i.e. conditions of production threading.

bee-bread, organic cover, bee-bread purification
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