Interesting and promising direction in the pro-duce business may be growing turnip (Brassica Rapa L.), which has valuable nutritional properties and is in demand in folk medicine as a remedy hav-ing anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and diuretic prop-erties. The aim of the work was to determine in tur-nip of kind "Petrovskaya-1" the content of biologi-cally active substances (BAS) having reducing properties, and registration of the total antioxidant activity (AOA) of root. Using chemical analysis it was found out that the popular kind turnip content was: vitamin C - 61.0 ± 0,2 mg % / 100 g; reducing substances - 3.02 ± 0,15 g / 100 g; tannins - 0.49 ± 0.02 g / 100 g; flavonoids - 07 ± 0.05 g / 100 g. It was shown that the glucoraphanin content in the turnip was (51 ± 2.5 mg / 100 g) as a precursor of anticancerogen sulforaphane was biologically meaningful, comparable to those for some crucifer-ous having antitumor effect. The study of antioxi-dant activity with using a model of adrenaline au-toxidation reaction (in vitro) revealed that unlike wa-ter extract dry raw fruit juice Brassica Rapa L. had a strong antioxidant effect. It was registered that the AOA of juice at exposure time of 3 min was 35.5 %, at 5 min was 31.2 %. The studies showed that the root was most valuable and useful as an antioxidant in the fresh, thermally unprocessed state.
turnip (Brassica rapa L.), biologically active substances (BAS), glucorafanine, sulforaphane, antioxidant activity, adrenaline auto-oxidation
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