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Abstract (English):
The study presents the results of investigations of chemical composition of berries of Vaccinium vulgaris, which grow in the taiga zone of the territo-ry of Boguchansky district of Krasnoyarsk region. It was found out that blueberries contained a number of valuable biologically active compounds having antioxidant activity. The content of vitamin C was 38.40 mg %, flavonoids - 2.18 % a.s.m. tannins - 4.56 % a.s.m. anthocyanins - 1.22 % a.s.m., pro-tein and 1.13 % a.s.m. tocopherol - 1.14 mg %. Us-ing high-performance liquid chromatography indi-vidual composition of fatty acids contained in the berries of blueberry was stated. In the composition of fatty acids indispensable essential acids linoleic (omega-6), docogexanic, alpha-linolenic (omega-3) were found. Individual composition of minerals of blueberry was studied. A high content of macronu-trients, such as potassium (64.20 mg/100g), calci-um (18.33 mg/100g), magnesium (9.62 mg/100g), minerals (iron 180.3 mg/kg) was found. The pro-spects of using berries of common blueberry in beverages were estimated. The influence on the yield of extractives of the concentration of extractant (ethyl alcohol) and the duration of extrac-tion was estimated. The highest yield of extractive substances from berries of common blueberry (29.44 %) was observed when the concentration of ethyl alcohol was 55 %, and the duration of infusion was 5 days. The recipes for strong alcoholic drink vodka "Blueberry" with aromatic alcohol, of com-mon blueberry berries was developed. To obtain aromatic alcohol the crushed raw materials (blue-berries vulgaris) were placed in 55 % ethanol in the ratio of 5 g per 100 ml, at room temperature for 5 days with periodic stirring. The obtained extracts were distilled at the temperature equal to 78-80 0C. The yield of aromatic alcohol from 1 kg of berries of common blueberries amounted to 18.50 l, hardness was 78 %. Organoleptic and physico-chemical pa-rameters of drink vodka «Blueberry» were defined. Chromatography tests for the presence of toxic im-purities in the obtained strong alcoholic beverages were carried out. Obtained vodka «Blueberry» on the physico-chemical parameters corresponded to the State standard R 51355-99 «Vodka and vodka special. General technical conditions».

berries, blueberries, extraction, components content, chemical composition, ethyl alcohol, use, drinks
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