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Abstract (English):
Despite the widespread of the coast of Primorye, seaweed Costaria costata and scyphoid jellyfish Rhopilema asamushi are not used in do-mestic cooking, but have mass consumption in the countries of Southeast Asia and elsewhere. The study presents the data of the chemical composi-tion of non-traditional objects of marine origin: Far Eastern seaweed Costaria and Rhopilema develop the technology and composition of the combined product (caviar) of the new unused raw materials with adjusted structural-mechanical and organolep-tic characteristics. The protein substance of Pacific jellyfish balanced on amino acid composition that characterizes the biological and food usefulness of the jellyfish. Monosaccharide composition of carbo-hydrate moiety of Rhopilema includes amino sug-ars and uronic acid in the amount of 21-28 % and 10-15 % of the amount of carbohydrates (3.2-4.6 % and 1.6-2.3 % respectively of the weight of the dried jellyfish). Costaria and Rhopilema are charac-terized by rich mineral composition. Based on re-search conducted at the School of Biomedicine FEFU, the drying technology of semi-finished prod-uct of jellyfish with the hydration process was ap-plied to create the product with acceptable organo-leptic characteristics and high nutritional value which is based on jellyfish drying with subsequent dehydration. The drying mode in which there was the loss due to the total number of reaction melanoidins monosaccharides and proteins made up 17 % of their content in the native sample was selected. Hydration of dried jellyfish was held by 4 % solution of sodium chloride supplemented with 70 % acetic acid in an amount of 0.3 % followed by keeping in a solution environment for 72 h. The ra-tional content of components composition devel-oped product was developed. Caviar quality pa-rameters were determined from seaweeds Costaria and Rhopilema. The amino sugar content was de-termined in the composition which has amounted to 0.5 g.

combination product, caviar, sea-weed, brown seaweed, Costaria costata, scyphoid jellyfishes, Rhopilema asamushi, amino sugars, convective drying, combination product, caviar, sea-weed, brown seaweed, Costaria costata, scyphoid jellyfishes, Rhopilema asamushi, amino sugars, convective drying
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