The results of theoretical researches on the def-inition of dependence of traction resistance on the design and adjusting data of a plough share with basic "skis" are given in the study. On the basis of the analysis of the ways of performance of techno-logical processes of crops and designs for their implementation which are applied at cultivation the cultures with small seeds, it is offered to consider technological process of crops of seeds of fiber flax. The process consists of the formation of a groove by working bodies with the condensed seed bed, distribution of seeds for the bottom of a groove and the subsequent their seal by a loose coating of the soil. According to it, technological operation of crops is carried out in three steps: drawing apart a blanket of the soil and the formation of the con-densed seed bed; laying of seeds on the bottom of the created groove; the seal of a groove with seeds a loose coating of the soil. At the same time the major requirement to this operation of crops is the decrease in power consumption. The analysis of technical solutions on crops of seeds of fiber flax specifies that any of the existing working bodies can't carry out qualitatively the offered way of per-formance of technological operation of crops. The analysis of forces operating in a plough share is carried out, the dependences defining the influence of design and technological data of a two-lower case keeled a plough share with basic "skis" on his traction resistance at the same time are received the following conclusions are formulated: at the speed of the movement Vagr = 2,0 m/s and the depth of crops of h = 0,03 m, and also at rational values of radius of a sock of plough shares of r = 0,02-0,05 m and an angle of attack of a plough share = 90-120°, the values of traction resistance of one plough shares make Ftyag = 38-65 N.
course depth, plough shares, trac-tion resistance, the speed of movement, the angle of attack
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