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Abstract (English):
To determine in the laboratory the power pa-rameters of the tillage machines and implements sometimes difficult due to the large size and mass of the latter. Defining the power parameters of each tilling tool can be difficult and time consuming. The goal is to determine power parameters of the oscil-lating motion of tillage implements in field condi-tions and to test the effectiveness of the method. This method based on the model of force interac-tion of tillage implements with the soil, suggested by Professor L. V. Gyachev. The method is to find the power parameters of tillage implements, which provide a known trajectory of the tillage operation. The trajectory of tillage implements is the experi-mental curve. Experiment and results processing can be substantially simplified by using a number of assumptions. Equations in the power parameters, we discard the terms of the order above the first. Choose such speed of movement at which the law of perturbed motion tillage implements relative to the tractor described by the exponent. The experi-ment consists of two series of experiments: parallel arrangement of linkage; one-point arrangement of linkage. In every experience first reject tillers to the side. Then start the tractor and get the trajectory of the tillage operation. The movement of the tractor is carried out, if possible, uniformly and rectilinearly. Each experience registers the position of the tiller at the beginning and at the end of the movement, time and path. Power tillers parameters calculated by the proposed formulas. From the analysis of measurement errors and coefficient of variation statistics number of observations implies that the proposed method of determining the tiller power parameters can be used in practice.

tractor, tiller, linkage, field, force, trajectory, oscillation, motion stability
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