The purpose of the study is the research of pos-sibility of development and use of paste from crude and fried sunflower seeds for the improvement of consumer properties of shortcrust semi-finished product. As objects of the research crude and fried sunflower seeds were chosen; the paste from crude and fried sunflower seeds, shortcrust semi-finished product with addition of paste from crude and fried sunflower seeds in the ratio 5-15 % to the mass of butter; a control sample - shortcrust semi-finished product (main) on recipe 8. For the research the seeds of sunflower of the grade Yenisei were cho-sen. This grade was raised in Krasnoyarsk Re-search Institute of Agriculture. Pilot studies were conducted in the Center of healthy food and on the chair of Technology and the Organization of Public Catering of Trade and Economic Institute of Siberi-an Federal University of Krasnoyarsk. Schematic diagrams of production of paste from crude and fried sunflower seeds, the technology and com-pounding of shortcrust semi-finished product with use of products of processing of seeds of sunflower were developed. It was established that addition in paste dough from crude and fried sunflower seeds in number of 10 % to the mass of butter provided the best indicators of quality of the received prod-uct. Organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators of a new type of shortcrust semi-finished product were defined. Social and economic effect of per-formed work was defined by the expansion of the range of products of raised nutrition value, econo-my of traditional raw materials, rational uses of lo-cal vegetable raw materials.
sunflower seeds, products of seeds of sunflower processing, paste from crude and fried sunflower seeds, shortcrust semi-finished product
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