In the face of increasing consumer requirements and table qualities of the tubers of native varieties of potatoes and the structure of target crop use there is an urgent need for the development of se-lection programs for the near and long perspective. This measure will allow more efficient use of high quality resources to producers and the choice of assortment and providing production schedules of potatoes cultivation, and also distribution networks for satisfaction of differing demands of consumers of production. The purpose of the research was to study the effectiveness of selection of parental forms in receiving newly created table varieties of potatoes to increase their competitiveness. On the basis of the results of assessment of 25 potatoes varieties on indicators of consumer culinary quali-ties of tubers parental forms for hybridization were picked up. In the course of field testing of selection material it was established that hybrids with the complex of these qualities of tubers were identified in crossing of components both with high rates of selective signs and average extent of their pheno-typic manifestation.
potatoes, selection, parental forms, cross, hybrids, consumer and culinary qualities of tubers, selection efficiency
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