During traditional machine harvesting cabbage heads are substantially mechanically damaged. In this regard a new way of machine harvesting allowing reducing substantially their damages is offered. Here unlike a traditional way the heads of cabbage at first ship in the sparing mode on the flexible flooring of a trough-shaped form established on a special rack on a vehicle platform and then manually shift them into containers. For the justification of the number of ser-vice personnel this process is considered as multi-channel system of mass service with refusals. The essence of the occurring phenomena is described and quantitative connection between the characteris-tic of the stream of the heads of cabbage arriving from an elevator on flooring and number of the ser-vice personnel shifting them in containers is estab-lished with the accuracy, sufficient for practice. The schemes of placement of containers with different overall dimensions on a vehicle body are submitted. In particular it became clear that the heads of cab-bage which arrived on flexible flooring when all serv-ing workers were occupied, temporarily refused and waited for service on flooring. The number of the heads of cabbage at the same time on flexible floor-ing should not exceed the number of empty seats on it. To satisfy this condition, the number of staff on the tractor cart 2-PTS-4, 5 has to consist of 3-4 people. Thus preferable schemes of placement of the most widespread vegetable containers on the body of the called tractor cart are submitted as an example. Pre-sented technique and the results of calculations can be assumed as the basis of justification of the num-ber of service personnel and the scheme of arrange-ment of containers on different vehicles on cleaning of cabbage on this way.
machine cabbage harvesting, trough-shaped flexible flooring, a mass service system, the number of staff, container placement schemes
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