Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of studying of microstructure of both fresh-caught and frozen squid are presented in the study. The structure was estimated on histologic preparations made by the standard technique, us-ing fixing with formalin and coloring with hematoxylin-eozin. Microscopy was made with the help of light microscope. It was established that edible parts - head, cloak and feelers had specific localization and structure of muscular tissue. On the surface of skin the layer deprived of cellular material came to light. Epidermal layer was thin, located on basal membrane; under it the layer of connecting tissue with the existence of fibrous structure and cellular elements with melanin like substance relating to chromatophores and iridocytes was located. In the structure of connect-ing tissue of the head the formations were located compactly which cells structure resembled glandu-lar tissue. The main feeler of the squid differs in the existence of thicker layers of muscular cells with the structure of similar crossed muscular tissue. The microstructure of the trunk (cloak) of the squid is characterized by higher degree of orderliness of muscular cells arrangement. The microstructure of frozen cloak of the squid is formed by numerous radially located bunches of myocyte alternating with layers of friable connecting tissue. In general histo-logical structure of the squid’s wall of the cloak of differs in high orderliness of muscular layers ar-rangement alternating with layers of friable con-necting tissue. The tissue of frozen squids is char-acterized by considerable expansion between the layers of muscular cells in comparison with native structure of muscular tissue as the result of ice crystals formation in the layer of friable connecting tissues.

Pacific squid, microstructure, tis-sues histology
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