The results of studies products of slaughtered broilers by the method of histological analysis to assess their safety are given. The data on the order of carrying out the researches of product samples from fowl and test methods and also the standards applied at histological research of fowl and prod-ucts of its processing are provided. The results of microstructural features of fresh meat of broilers, meat of doubtful freshness and stale are presented. Autolysis is characterized by the changes of cellular structures of muscular tissue, liver, the wall of stomach, heart reflected in the quality of fowl. The meat and offal of broilers selected for the research-es directly in slaughter place are characterized by minimal structural changes and minimal develop-ment of microflora. In violation of the terms and conditions of storage of meat of broilers in muscular tissue and internal organs autolytic processes are developing, accompanied by karyopyknosis and local disappearance of cross-striped muscle fibers of skeletal muscles, the muscles of the stomach and of the heart corresponding to the category of the meat of doubtful freshness. Stale meat kernels in muscle fibers are not visible, the sarcoplasm gets subactivity shade in liver, the centers of cellular detrit are found, cardiomyocytes lose the intensity of coloring of intercalated disks and the anastomo-ses disappear, in the lungs is the destruction of respiratory epithelium. Microstructural analysis car-ried out by histological method is high-precision method of the assessment of safety of meat and offal of the poultry.
meat safety, chickens-broilers, his-tology, muscular tissue
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